Sepu Lesono / Lesson Seven Lesson | Exercises 6: siks 7: sep 8: ok 9: nef 10: dek Compound Words In English there are many compound words such as "housekeeper", "shoplifting", "mother-in-law", "passer-by", etc. In Mondlango compound words are used a lot. They are made simply by joining two words. In the previous reading passage we saw some of them: dormcambro: bedroom bancambro: bathroom bela: beautiful soni: to sound belsona: harmonic (pleasant sound) morno: morning manji: to eat mornmanji: to have breakfast They are also formed by adding prepositions (kum, en, sub, etc.) to a verb. kumlabori: to collaborate eniri: to go in enter eliri: to go out exit subiri: to get down kumsidi: to hold a meeting All this will be learned better through practice and reading. Suffix -ilo refers to the instrument that carries out the action indicated by the verb. tranci: to cut trancilo: knife tondi: to snip tondilo: scissors flugi: to fly flugilo: wing kombi: to comb kombilo: a comb Mi trancan la pano per la trancilo. Yi komban yiself per la kombilo. La kanario flugan per la flugilos. La barbiro (barber) razan (shaves) per la razilo (razor). Mi razan miself (I shave myself) per mia razilo. Cu yi havan kombilo? Yes, mi havan blaka kombilo. Kio yi faran (do) per la kombilo? Mi komban mia haros. Cu la birdos flugan? Yes, la birdos flugan per la flugilos. Cu la aviadilos (planes) flugan? Yes, la aviadilos anke (also) flugan per la flugilos. Per kio hi trancan la karno (meat)? Hi trancan la karno per la trancilo. Past Tense The ending "-in" indicates that the action took place in the past. This ending is used for all the persons (mi, yi, xi, hi, etc.) just like the verb ending "-an" used in the Present tense. mi havan: I have (present) mi havin: I had (past) yi skriban: you write (present) yi skribin: you wrote (past) hi legan: he reads (present) hi legin: he read (past) hodio: today (n.) hodie: today (adv.) hiero: yesterday (n.) hiere: yesterday (adv.) morgo: tomorrow (n.) morge: tomorrow (adv.) Hodio esan lundo (Monday). Hiero esin sundo (Sunday). Hiere frue (early) en la morno (morning) mi razin mi (I shaved), lavin mi (I washed myself), kombin mi (I combed myself) ay dresin mi (I got dressed). Mi irin al la kafeyo, kie (where) mi trinkin kafo ay manjin pano kum butero (butter). Esin bela tago (day). La suno brilin (shone) sur la blua (blue) celo (sky). Multa peplo (people) irin al la prejeyo (church). Kum plezuro (pleasure) mi awdin (heard) la sono (sound) de la sonorilos (bells). Mi acetin jurnalo (newspaper). Dum (while) mi mornmanjin (had breakfast), mi legin la jurnalo. Mi anke parlin kum kelka amikos, kiu enirin (entered) en tio momento. Mi tagmanjin (had lunch) en mia domo, kum mia spozino (wife). Mu manjin bongusta (delicious) bovsteko (beefsteak), potatos (potatoes) ay kelka frutos: pomos (apples), piros (pears) ay bananos (bananas). Pose (after) mu irin al la filmeyo (cinema), kie mu vidin guda filmo (film). Mu vespmanjin (had dinner) en manjeyo (restaurant), ay revenin (came back) kontenta. Cu hiero esin sundo or lundo? Hiero esin sundo. Kio mi farin hiere frue en la morno? Yi razin yi, lavin yi, kombin yi ay dresin yi. Cu mi mornmanjin en mia domo? Ne, yi mornmanjin en kafeyo (café, bar). Kio mi trinkin (drank) ay manjin? Yi trinkin kafo, ay manjin pano kum butero. Cu mi tagmanjin en manjeyo? Ne, yi tagmanjin en yia domo. Cu mi tagmanjin sola (alone)? Ne, yi tagmanjin kum yia spozino. Kio mu manjin? Yu manjin bongusta bovsteko, potatos ay kelka frutos. Cu mi ay mia spozino restin (stayed) en mua domo? Ne, yu irin al la filmeyo. Cu mu vidin guda filmo? Yes, yu vidin guda filmo. Cu mu revenin (came back) diskontenta (unhappy)? Ne, yu revenin kontenta. tago: day morno: morning vespo: evening (from 6 P.M. until midnight) nokto: night Guda morno, Petro! Guda morno, Maria! Guda vespo! Guda nokto, amikos. Mi esan fatiga (tired). Mi deziran dormi. Guda nokto, Karlo. (Note: This is used when you go to bed, equivalent to "Good night") yam: already Francisko: Mi invitan yi al tagmanjo (lunch). Jozefo: Danko. Mi yam tagmanjin. jus: just Ana: Cu yi deziran kafo? Pawlo: Ne. Danko. Mi jus trinkin kafo. La tagos de la weko (The days of the week) Lundo: Monday Mardo: Tuesday Merkredo: Wednesday Turzdo: Thursday Frido: Friday Saturdo: Saturday Sundo: Sunday The word "tuko" means "piece of cloth" and with it, we can form the following compound words, of common use. tablo: table tablotuko: tablecloth bedo: bed bedotuko: sheet buxo: mouth buxtuko: napkin nazo: nose naztuko: handerchief bani: to bathe bantuko: bath towel mano: hand mantuko: hand towel |