- antaw-: fore, before.
brako: arm, antawbrako: forearm
- dis-: on the contrary.
biga: big, disbiga: small bela: beautiful, disbela: ugly
- sen-: without.
lima: limited, senlima: unlimited
- ne-: not.
necesa: necessary, nenecesa: unnecessary
- ek-: begin.
worki: work, ekworki: begin to work
- eks-: former.
urbestro: mayor, eksurbestro: former mayor
- re-: again.
legi: read, relegi: reread
- mis-: not correct.
kompreni: understand, miskompreni: misunderstand
- bo-: kinship.
filulo: son, bofilulo: son-in-law patro: father, bopatro: father-in-law
- mal-: bad.
insekto: insect, malinsekto: bad insect trakti: treat, maltrakti: maltreat
- step-: successor.
patro: father, steppatro: stepfather
- pra-: ancient.
humo: human, prahumo: ancestor
- pre-: previous.
matura: mature, prematura: premature
- vis-: vice.
prezidento: president visprezidento: vice-president
A suffix is a particle that is placed at the end of the words to make others with related meanings. In Mondlango we use plenty of suffixes since, by remembering one word, we can form many others.
- -ac-: the stuff of.
manji: eat, manjaco: food. havi: have, havaco: belongings
- -ad-: continuous actions.
lerni: learn, lernado: learning
- -an-: person or member of.
Ameriko: America, Amerikano: an American urbo: city, urbano: citizen
- -ar-: collection.
humo: human, humaro: mankind arbo: tree, arbaro: forest
- -er-: a part of.
nivo: snow, nivero: snowflake. pluvo: rain, pluvero: raindrop
- -ey-: place.
libro: book, libreyo: bookshop. worki: work, workeyo: factory
- -ec-: character.
amiko: friend, amikeco: friendship
- -or-: human.
yuna: young, yunoro: youth. eduki: teach, edukoro: teacher
- -ul-: male.
kido: child, kidulo: boy, bovo: ox, bovulo: bull
- -in-: female.
kido: child, kidino: girl, bovo: ox, bovino: cow
- -ism-: doctrine.
Budo: Budha, Budismo: Budhism. libero: liberty, liberismo: liberalism
- -ist-: person of.
sienco: science, siencisto: scientist
- -id-: offspring.
kingo: king, kingido: prince. koko: fowl, kokido: chicken
- -il-: tool.
ludi: play, ludilo: plaything
- -iz-: to make become.
pura: clean, purizi: to clear, moderna: modern, modernizi: modernize
- -is-: to become.
tago: day, tagisi: daybreak
- -ix-: having the qualities associated with.
wayta: white, waytixa: whitish
- -eg-: big.
domo: house, domego: mansion
- -et-: small.
lafi: laugh, lafeti: smile. rivo: river, riveto: stream
- -uy-: container.
bani: bathe, banuyo: bathing tub
- -ub-: position.
sidi: sit, sidubo: seat. prezidento: president, prezidentubo: presidency
- -ind-: worthy.
lovi: love, lovinda: lovable
- -ebl-: capability, possibility.
legi: read, legebla: legible. awdi: hear, awdebla: audible
- -oz-: full.
kromo: color, kromoza: colorful
- -od-: -like.
kido: child, kidoda: childlike. selo: cell,
seloda: cellular
- -em-: tendency.
eksplodi: explode, eksplodema: explosive. parli: talk, parlema: talkative
- -um-:
Used to form words that have a relation with the root and cannot be expressed with any other suffix:
yero: year, yerumo: years old, goldo: gold, goldumi: gild
Note 1. -orulo and -anulo may be abbreviated to -ulo.
For example: edukulo: edukorulo (man teacher), Cinulo: Cinanulo (Chinese man).
Note 2. -orino and -anino may be abbreviated to -ino.
For example: edukino: edukorino (woman teacher), Cinino: Cinanino (Chinese woman).