
Kioma horo esan?
What time is it?

Esan la unu horo.
It's one o'clock.

La sepu ay bidek-kwin
Seven twenty five
(Literally: The seventh and twenty five)

La deku ay kwardek-nef
Ten forty nine

Biono pos la oku
Half past eight
(Literally: Half after the eighth)

Kwarono pos la triu
Quarter past three

Kwarono antaw la dek-unu
Quarter to eleven
(Literally: Quarter before the eleventh)

tago:     day
weko:     week
mono:     month
yero:     year
dekado:   decade
yercento: century

morno:      morning
midtago:    midday
posmidtago: afternoon
vespo:      evening (from 6 P.M. until midnight)
midnokto:   midnight
nokto:      night

hodio:  today (n.)      hodie: today (adv.)
hiero:  yesterday (n.)  hiere: yesterday (adv.)
morgo:  tomorrow (n.)   morge: tomorrow (adv.)

La tagos de la weko.
The days of the week.

Lundo:     Monday
Mardo:     Tuesday
Merkredo:  Wednesday
Turzdo:    Thursday
Frido:     Friday
Saturdo:   Saturday
Sundo:     Sunday

La monos de la yero..
The months of the year.

Januaro:   January
Februaro:  February
Marto:     March
Aprilo:    April
Mayo:      May
Juno:      June
Julio:     July
Awgusto:   August
Septembro: September
Oktobro:   October
Novembro:  November
Decembro:  December

La sezonos.
The seasons.

printempo: spring
somero:    summer
awtuno:    autumn
wintro:    winter