
Mondlango uses the same 26 letter alphabet as English.
Each letter has only one sound.

Vowels                       Consonants
a: like "a"  in "father"     As in English except:
e: like "e"  in "bed"        c: Always like "ch" in "church"
i: like "ee" in "street"     g: Always like "g"  in "get"
o: like "o"  in "for"        j: Always like "j"  in "journal"
u: like "oo" in "boot"       x: Always like "sh" in "ship"

The letter "q" is only ever used in proper names.

Semivowels w & y can be combined with vowels to form new vowel sounds (diphthongs).

ay: like "ie"  in "pie"
ey: like "ay"  in "day"
oy  like "oy"  in "boy"
aw: like "ow"  in "cow"
ow: like "ow"  in "bow"